In 2018, a few of us Mumma Bears were sitting around a campfire in Central Ontario discussing the perversion, masking itself as learning, arising in the school system. A program called SOGI (Website: Sexual Orientation and Gender Ideology) https://www.sogieducation.org is teaching boys that they could be girls, and vice versa. Even government and mainstream political parties were silent in the face of this agenda.
We felt that we HAD to step in the gap and fight for our cubs.

Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, former television broadcaster, author and speaker now does a daily live show on Rumble.com. She has spent the last 7 years exposing the ideology of the unscientific gender propaganda in our schools. She believes that Canadian political leaders have imposed a new religion of identity deception on our people. They have passed Bill C4 with unanimous consent in our Parliament which criminalizes our deeply held religious beliefs with threats of imprisonment. Our children are forced into confusion and sexualization at the hands of educators without our knowledge.
Pornographic images are in school books, which are in violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. We will not bow to the idol of this false belief system imposed on us by a minority group who do not have the right to speak for us or to our children. Canada is a nation, under the Sovereignty of God whereby we are free to have our own beliefs, and to teach our children those principles without interference. We call for the uniting of all faith groups, nationalities and those who advocate for parental rights to link arm in arm in unanimous consent to peacefully defy the unconstitutional assault on our families. We will not bow! www.lauralynn.tv

Rev. Dr. Ann E. Gillies
Rev. Dr. Ann E. Gillies is trained jointly in psychology and theology and retired from private practice after 25 years of clinical counselling focused primarily on individuals struggling with complex traumatic stress as a result of chronic childhood sexual abuse. Her research is in the area of child and adult attachment; trauma; same-sex attraction, gender dysphoria, and the current transgender phenomenon and conversion therapy.
She is an ordained pastor; an international speaker, author and founder of www.restoringthemosaic.ca a ministry which seeks to educate and inform politicians, community leaders and pastors across Canada to Restore the Mosaic of our God given identity: individually and nationally. She produces podcast called “Truth Talks with Dr Ann”https://www.youtube.com/@dranngillies/videos
Ann has also teamed up with fellow trauma therapist and sex offender specialist Jon Uhler to produce informative broadcasts, interviews and information on www.unmaskingthetransmovement.ca
Ann served for 15 years as a chaplain co-ordinator with The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team, in Canada, leading chaplaincy teams into places of disaster and teaching Sharing Hope in Crisis for Billy Graham Rapid Response Team training. She has also taught a variety of college courses such as: counselling skills; counselling theories; individual counselling developmental psychology; marriage & family; divorce and remarriage, etc.
Dr. Gillies is the author of several books:
- Deep Impact: Integrating Theology & Psychology in the treatment of Complex Trauma;
- Closing the Floodgates: Setting the Record Straight on Gender & Sexuality.
- Damaged: by the Predators Amongst Us: an autobiographical work revealing the depravity of pedophilia.
- Implosion: When the Pendulum Swings too Far an expose’ of the crumbling of the LGBTQ agenda
- Whatever Happened to Emily: the story of a traumatized young girl who decides to transition
- Ultimate Deception: The Truth of Gender Affirming Care
Ann is a married to her wonderful and supportive husband Bob. They are parents of six children and 12 grandchildren. Her missive is to: Stand Firm, Walk Cautiously & Live Courageously

Pastor Rene McIntyre
Pastor René McIntyre is a pastor and leader that stands for righteousness in this nation and believes in participating in the democratic process to effect change when needed. René began exposing the Sogi curriculum back in 2017, and continues to fight for the innocence of children, and for a parents right to raise their children as they see fit. She encourages others within the Christian community to begin to speak up as concerned citizens to demand our rights be protected and not revoked.
René is also the founder and overseer of The Refuge which feeds and offers friendship and mentorship to her communities homeless and those struggling with drug addiction.
She is a conference speaker, personal freedom specialist, radio show host and author.
Trumpet Of Truth Christian Ministries.

Marilyn Jones

Catherine Dellerba
Catherine has worked in a Fortune 500 Company for over 10 years where she learned strong organizational skills. Whilst homeschooling her children for the past 20 years, she managed homeschool groups, events and learning pods. Catherine ran as a provincial candidate in Ontario in 2023, as well as for town council in the same year. As a planner and co-ordinator, Catherine loves connecting people to each other across varying action groups. She has also worked in a variety of roles in non-profit organizations. This places her in a great position to help manage Mumma Bears bringing Mumma’s together to protect the younger generation. She knows that her abilities come from God, and loves working for Jesus!